Video Marketing Pearl of the Week-Video Marketing in 2016

Video Marketing Pearl

Well hello, I’m Dr. Alan Weinstein and this is the time of year where people begin to try to sell you their marketing program to get you ready for the new year.

When we started the SYSTEM marketing program for healthcare providers just like you about 8 years ago, there was only one or maybe two other players in the space. Now however, it seems that the profession has more experts in the business than there are practices that need their service. I’m sure you know what I mean.

What I want to today is help you make an intelligent decision as to what direction you need to take your marketing. I know immediately you are going to say sure Dr. Alan you are going to try to talk us into working with you.

Let me say this. We certainly would like you as a client, but this video is all about marketing facts and it is the facts that should dictate your marketing decisions. If the SYSTEM fits that criteria than so be it, if another program you like fits that criteria, terrific.

So for today’s short video lets talk about something you already know. You must be using video. Every marketer and thought leader regardless of what they are selling are using video. So should you! You can no longer avoid it.

Today, over 50 percent of people in the U.S. who come to Facebook daily watch at least one video per day, over 50%. Facebook video is receiving up to 20 times more exposure and engagement than just plain text or photo posts. In fact, according to Facebook themselves if you are not using video average fan page posts on Facebook reaches only 1-2% of people who like your page.

Mark Zuckerberg shared that Facebook now gets more than 3 billion video views daily. Facebook’s content-recommendation algorithm gives preference to video and if you want to get in the newsfeed you need to do video.

and how about YouTube.
YouTube is growing at its fastest pace in two years. Time spent on YouTube accelerated up over 60% year over year. Although people only talk about the number of users on Facebook, YouTube has over 1 billion users. YouTube is the #2 search engine and Google gives preferential treatment to YouTube videos in the search engines.

What does all this mean? It means you need to make videos.

If you are choosing a marketing program for the coming year, make sure you choose one that not only uses video to sell you, but whose marketing program is built around putting you in the your own videos. We know of no other than the SYSTEM that does that.

For the SYSTEM I’m Dr. Alan and next time I’m going to show you the latest facts why just having a mobile friendly website is no longer enough.



If you are not a SYSTEM client realize that every SYSTEM client now gets their own mobile Apps as part of the package.

To learn more about how you can get the solution right for your business, take advantage of the Content Explorer with 10,000 articles for SEO, your Blog, Facebook, the 10 minute Newsletter, complete YouTube Channel Training, Video Training, Google+ Training, Google+ Hangout on Air Training, and to ramp up your first impression, plus get all images you need for Pinterest, and drive people to where you want them to go and convert more people into patients, visit us at:

or email us at:

The VIP App

More than ever, it’s time to embrace technology. And look at how we can communicate with our audience from a completely different perspective. I have something brand new to introduce to you. And I’m confident it will absolutely blow you away.

I’m going to show you how you can effectively use “Google Hangouts On Air” to stay in touch with your tribe, and get an attendance rate of at least 83% to show up. And even that is being conservative once you understand how this works.

Just imagine getting a minimum of 83% attendance rates. And on a consistent basis as well. These days those sort of numbers are normally completely unheard of.

if you are ready to own a piece of real-estate on your followers desktop, iPhone and iPad go to:
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