Video Marketing A Good Offense Is the Best Defense

As consumers define wellness more broadly, does this make the concept too vague to be a useful sales point for marketers of wellness-related products and services? And does this make it more difficult for brands that are seriously focused on wellness to distinguish themselves from those that have merely latched onto some of the rhetoric of wellness?

“While the notion of quality of life is very broad, consumers are still looking to markers of quality on a category-by-category basis, as they determine whether or not the product or service is authentic and can play a role in their wellness toolkit…”

Did you ever hear the expression “A Good Defense is the Best Offense?” In the Wellness Game, there is no good defense. You either set the pace, or you lose. You don’t wait around to play catch up.

In this video we show you a must have resource, The Doctor’s Resource, to show your community that you are “seriously focused” as a Wellness Center. Distinguish yourself from those that have merely latched onto some of the rhetoric of wellness.

Some people think that because our clients get so many new patients and leads that is all we are about. That is not only what we are about and that is not what marketing is all about.  Marketing is about branding and The SYSTEM brands you as a Source of Everything Health so you can win the Wellness War.

Learn more about The SYSTEM, the only follow-up marketing program, and the only one designed to help you win the Wellness War by clicking here.

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